Plagiocephaly prevention pillow

Plagiocephaly prevention pillow

The pillow recommended for your baby's first months to help combat plagiocephaly.

Ref. 050206C01 Available

What includes?


Removable cover

All components have removable covers to make cleaning easy.
The inside of the components is memory foam and the exterior is cotton.

Stage 1

Anti-choking maternity cushion that avoids flat head syndrome, from 0 to 4 months:
- Helps fight against head deformities when the baby is resting.
- To be used only when the baby is lying on their back.
- Can be used in the crib, the carrycot, and the group 0 car seat, always when the baby is lying on their back.

Stage 2

Anti-choking pillow, from 0 to 36 months:
- Allows your baby to breathe properly thanks to its special perforated inner foam that allows air to easily pass through, increasing breathability.

Measurements and weight

Baby’s age/height/weight

For newborns

Product dimensions

Stage 1: 20 x 24 cm
Stage 2: 30 x 26 cm


What includes?


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